For my son Tristan

A weblog for my son Tristan Stewart Collander Due Date: October 15th, 2004

My Photo
Location: Rialto, California, United States

Monday, May 24, 2004

New stuff for Tristan!

Hello my son,

Your mother was very busy this weekend doing things for you. She went shopping and bought a few onesies and other very handsome clothes. Your grandparents and great grandparents are all very excited and can't wait to spoil you! As for me, I spent the weekend at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire as I have been for the past 6 weekends. We will definitely take you out once you are older.

Oh! Thank you very much for your gift to me. Mommy said you bought me a pair of daddy boxers with "American Dad" and other cool sayings on it. Thanks!

It is official that we are now half-way to meeting you. Your mother is 20 weeks pregnant having just finished the 19th week with 19 more to go (approximately). We both talk about you all the time. We have discussed on many occasions the different places we want to take you such as the Regency Balls and museums like the Getty and others. According to your mother's book, your brain is starting rapid growth and will continue until you are five years old. We are going to start reading to you every night even before you are born since we know that you can hear us. Your mother has also been playing piano which I hope you hear. She does a wonderful job and I know she enjoys playing for you.

As always the puppies say hello as well. I think you will like them when you are born. Your brother Sebastian is very even tempered and very protective of the family. He is very cute when he plays with the new toys mommy bought for the both of them. Your sister Cleopatra is very beautiful and elegant when she is not getting her nose into places she doesn't belong! She is a very large puppy, one which you will probably ride when you are young.

Your family sends their love and we all wish you sweet dreams until we have a chance to tell you in person. You have 19 weeks to go, my son, until then, you are always in my thoughts.

With Love,

Ariston Collander
Father to Tristan Stewart Collander
Expected: October 15th, 2004

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Good morning!

Good morning Tristan,

Well it is yet another day. Your mother and I had the opportunity to have dinner with your grandmom and granddad yesterday evening. We had one of your ultrasound pictures with us which they were very excited to see. You will not remember when you are born, but you were turned toward the device with one arm up as if you were waving. Perhaps you knew we were looking!
I have been doing more research on Weblogs trying to determine the best method for getting this out to people. I have opened up your blog for comments so anyone can post what they wish. I am hoping in the near future to move this to my own personal location so I can play with it as I see fit and add picture and such.
Oh! I have been reading through this great book for expecting fathers called, surprisingly enough, The Expectant Father. It is perfect for the daddy as it goes over what he is feeling throughout this whole experience. It said that starting around this time you are beginning to discern sounds outside the womb. It is recommended, even, that we start speaking to you and playing music. Your mother is very good at playing piano so perhaps she can play for you sometime in the evening when you are sleeping.
While up at your grandparents' house last night I had the opportunity to go through some of my old files and papers from years and years ago. I found several books that I used to read when I was a young child. I will be sure to bring them home with me so we can read them together when you are older. They cover a variety of topics in a very amusing manner so I think you will enjoy them. I also found my health checkup the year I was going into 1st Grade. Turns out I was healthy, thank goodness!
As for the future of this site, I am really hoping to get some pictures posted. I plan to scan the ultrasound pictures we have of you so I can show others whom we do not see on a regular basis. I am eager to hear their thoughts and memories of children.

I need to get back to work, but I wanted to at least tell you that I love you. I will write again soon.


Your Father, Ariston

Monday, May 17, 2004

Welcome to the world!

To my son Tristan,

Although you have yet to be born, I wanted to begin this webblog for you to give you an outline of what has happened thus far since your conception. Currently you are living a warm comfortable life inside your mother's womb having been in existence for only 18 weeks and 5 days. You are expected to make your arrival in this world on October 15th of 2004, but only when the time comes will the date be determined. My love for you is growing with leaps and bounds. We have seen you twice, so far. Once about 6 weeks ago when you were only 12 weeks, and then again just last week when you were 18 weeks and 1 day. You are quite the mover! It was very exciting to see you twisting and moving as the nurse passed the ultrasound device around your mother's stomach. Tristan, your mother and I have such high hopes for you. We have grand plans for you to learn so much about life and love. Your grandfather (on your mother's side) is giddy with the prospect of teaching you of his experiences with martial arts and such. You have much to learn of computers from me, and mathematics from your mother. My mother can teach of you of art and kindness while my father can teach you of literature and business. Your grandmother (on your mother's side) can teach you of compassion and an eye for color.
Your mother and I are already so proud of you and love you so very much. She tells me constantly of your movements inside of her and I am so excited at the prospect of feeling your kicks and turns as time progresses. I am so looking forward to talking with you within the womb and as a newborn in only a few months' time.

I love you my son, we will meet soon.

Ariston Collander
Father to Tristan Stewart Collander
Expected: October 15th, 2004