For my son Tristan

A weblog for my son Tristan Stewart Collander Due Date: October 15th, 2004

My Photo
Location: Rialto, California, United States

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Welcome home!! First day home

It was only about 10 minutes ago that DeeAnna walked through the front door holding Tristan Stewart Collander. In a semi-mad rush I worked on getting the pups outside so we could enter the house without incident. I brought out the bassinet for Tristan while DeeAnna prepped herself for the first greeting with the pups in three days. They were excited as expected. After getting changed DeeAnna fed Tristan and we are now all sitting in my office as I type this.

Sebastian and Cleopatra took interest in Tristan, but have now settled. Cleopatra has taken up post outside the door and Sebastian lays quietly at the foot of the glider chair. Cleopatra has been giving Tristan small kisses while Sebastian is kind of wondering what the heck is going on. They both handled Tristan's crying fairly well. We'll see how it goes later on.

We are expecting an interesting and somewhat nerve wracking night. But it looks like all is well!

Thank you to everyone who has helped not only with the pregnancy, but the support for labor and post-partem. Our experience with Tristan will be all the more joyous with the assistance that everyone has provided.

I will try to update this weblog as often as I can with the new tidbits and discoveries. I would like this to become my personal journal for when Tristan gets older. He can look back and see how much love both I and his mother have for him, and all of the support he has received.

We love you Tristan,

Your father and mother
Ariston and DeeAnna


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