For my son Tristan

A weblog for my son Tristan Stewart Collander Due Date: October 15th, 2004

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Location: Rialto, California, United States

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Good morning!

Good morning Tristan,

Well it is yet another day. Your mother and I had the opportunity to have dinner with your grandmom and granddad yesterday evening. We had one of your ultrasound pictures with us which they were very excited to see. You will not remember when you are born, but you were turned toward the device with one arm up as if you were waving. Perhaps you knew we were looking!
I have been doing more research on Weblogs trying to determine the best method for getting this out to people. I have opened up your blog for comments so anyone can post what they wish. I am hoping in the near future to move this to my own personal location so I can play with it as I see fit and add picture and such.
Oh! I have been reading through this great book for expecting fathers called, surprisingly enough, The Expectant Father. It is perfect for the daddy as it goes over what he is feeling throughout this whole experience. It said that starting around this time you are beginning to discern sounds outside the womb. It is recommended, even, that we start speaking to you and playing music. Your mother is very good at playing piano so perhaps she can play for you sometime in the evening when you are sleeping.
While up at your grandparents' house last night I had the opportunity to go through some of my old files and papers from years and years ago. I found several books that I used to read when I was a young child. I will be sure to bring them home with me so we can read them together when you are older. They cover a variety of topics in a very amusing manner so I think you will enjoy them. I also found my health checkup the year I was going into 1st Grade. Turns out I was healthy, thank goodness!
As for the future of this site, I am really hoping to get some pictures posted. I plan to scan the ultrasound pictures we have of you so I can show others whom we do not see on a regular basis. I am eager to hear their thoughts and memories of children.

I need to get back to work, but I wanted to at least tell you that I love you. I will write again soon.


Your Father, Ariston


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