For my son Tristan

A weblog for my son Tristan Stewart Collander Due Date: October 15th, 2004

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Location: Rialto, California, United States

Monday, May 17, 2004

Welcome to the world!

To my son Tristan,

Although you have yet to be born, I wanted to begin this webblog for you to give you an outline of what has happened thus far since your conception. Currently you are living a warm comfortable life inside your mother's womb having been in existence for only 18 weeks and 5 days. You are expected to make your arrival in this world on October 15th of 2004, but only when the time comes will the date be determined. My love for you is growing with leaps and bounds. We have seen you twice, so far. Once about 6 weeks ago when you were only 12 weeks, and then again just last week when you were 18 weeks and 1 day. You are quite the mover! It was very exciting to see you twisting and moving as the nurse passed the ultrasound device around your mother's stomach. Tristan, your mother and I have such high hopes for you. We have grand plans for you to learn so much about life and love. Your grandfather (on your mother's side) is giddy with the prospect of teaching you of his experiences with martial arts and such. You have much to learn of computers from me, and mathematics from your mother. My mother can teach of you of art and kindness while my father can teach you of literature and business. Your grandmother (on your mother's side) can teach you of compassion and an eye for color.
Your mother and I are already so proud of you and love you so very much. She tells me constantly of your movements inside of her and I am so excited at the prospect of feeling your kicks and turns as time progresses. I am so looking forward to talking with you within the womb and as a newborn in only a few months' time.

I love you my son, we will meet soon.

Ariston Collander
Father to Tristan Stewart Collander
Expected: October 15th, 2004


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May 25, 2004 at 10:30 PM  

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