For my son Tristan

A weblog for my son Tristan Stewart Collander Due Date: October 15th, 2004

My Photo
Location: Rialto, California, United States

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Welcome home!! First day home

It was only about 10 minutes ago that DeeAnna walked through the front door holding Tristan Stewart Collander. In a semi-mad rush I worked on getting the pups outside so we could enter the house without incident. I brought out the bassinet for Tristan while DeeAnna prepped herself for the first greeting with the pups in three days. They were excited as expected. After getting changed DeeAnna fed Tristan and we are now all sitting in my office as I type this.

Sebastian and Cleopatra took interest in Tristan, but have now settled. Cleopatra has taken up post outside the door and Sebastian lays quietly at the foot of the glider chair. Cleopatra has been giving Tristan small kisses while Sebastian is kind of wondering what the heck is going on. They both handled Tristan's crying fairly well. We'll see how it goes later on.

We are expecting an interesting and somewhat nerve wracking night. But it looks like all is well!

Thank you to everyone who has helped not only with the pregnancy, but the support for labor and post-partem. Our experience with Tristan will be all the more joyous with the assistance that everyone has provided.

I will try to update this weblog as often as I can with the new tidbits and discoveries. I would like this to become my personal journal for when Tristan gets older. He can look back and see how much love both I and his mother have for him, and all of the support he has received.

We love you Tristan,

Your father and mother
Ariston and DeeAnna

Friday, October 22, 2004

Welcome to the color!

Tristan, my son, I love you more than words. You are a beautiful little boy. Below are a few pictures that I took with our digital camera. Don't worry, everything is covered.

Put me back in!!!!

I am 21 inches long

And in this corner...weighing in at 7lb 13oz

Rock-a-by Tristan with your momma

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Happy Birthday Tristan!

You were born October 21st at 10:02am. You weighed 7lbs 13oz and were 21 inches long. You were brought into the world by c-section with no complications. Everything went very well.

We look forward to showing you off to our family and friends. You will be going home in about 3 days when your mother recovers from the surgery.

I still plan to add updates to this log as you get older.

Lots of love, and welcome to the world!

I love you my son!

The doctors made the decision to perform a c-section. You apparently don't like being on the right side. Your grandparents (mother's side) think your going to be a southpaw which is fine by me. I believe this is the best route. I plan on being in the room during the procedure, but I do appologize if I need to step out. I also plan on snapping a few pictures once you arrive.

I will see you soon my son.

Ariston, your daddy

The epidural is complete and your mommy is a happy girl. They are still monitoring your heart rate to be sure. Apparently you heart rate dropped while she was getting the epidural. She is now able to watch the contractions and not have to worry about pain. It's unfortunate thhough that the threat of an emergency c-section is always looming. But I am here with you, and always will be.

More later...

The real thing

Tristan the time has come for you to come into the world. I am currently sitting in the waiting room whike the doctor gives your mother an epidural. Apparently you are causing a lot of pain! We had a slight problem with your heart rate, but that seems to have been resolved. They have started to pump fluid back into the placenta to give you some cushion until the cervix dilates. I am hoping the epidural really helps ease the pain.

More later

Back at the hospital. You mother woke up around 12:15am this morning in a lot of pain. Throughout the evening she had said that she has lost the mucous plug, but the contractions were irregular. but when she woke up it was different. She went to the bathroom and said that she believed her water had broken. I called the hospital and was told that if there was any question to come in. So we hurriedly got dressed and drove out. I am currently sitting in one of the rooms while your mother gets an exam. Hopefully we will be admitted from here.

More later...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Tristan, the time is getting closer! You mother and I have moved to Labor room 2 in preparation for your arrival. Contractions are 3 minutes apart and are pretty painful looking at your mother's face. We are going through a couple of examinations to see how things are going.

I will update as things progress!


Ariston, Tristan's daddy

Friday, October 15, 2004

Are you coming any time soon?

Tristan! I know you're in there! Well, it's now the 15th of October which is the first of the due dates that we were given. Several months ago we were told that your due date had been changed to October 19th, but then it was changed back to the 15th. Either way, we are ready for your arrival. We've been trying to talk you into coming out peacefully, but if nothing happens by next Wednesday, then induction will be the next step. I know you've got free room and board at the moment, in a nice waterbed (albeit a shrinking waterbed as you grow in size), but it's time to start your life with us. We are looking forward to meeting you very soon!

With love,

Your daddy Ariston

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

To my son,

Now I'm getting excited! During the appointment Dr. Pulido said that your mother had dilated to 1cm and effaced to 50%! That means the process has started. We are currently sitting at The Rainforest Cafe about to have dinner for OUR birthday since mine is tomorrow (the 14th) and hopefully yours is either tomorrow or Friday.

We've gotten to the point where we are timing contractions. So far we are at 10 minutes apart or so...

More to come later!

Your daddy, Ariston

My goodness are you the mover. Here we are waiting for your mother's appointment and you've been moving up a storm. Perhaps gymnastics will be the sport for you! it is nice , though, to know that so many people care about you and your mother's well being. You are due this coming Friday into the world, and we really hope you are on time! Punctuality is a good trait to have you know...but only time will tell.

All my love,

Tristan's daddy